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Indalo Bowls Club Nr Mojacar • Ian


Indalo Bowling Club

nada de la Piedra, Los Gallardos, 04280
Nr. Mojacar, Almeria

Contact: Club  Captain, John  Colquhoun,

Tel: 950 472 436  /  637 546 636


Indalo BC, located in the Los Gallardos area, near Turre,  is the latest member of the Mojacar area of Almeria active bowling club community and started life in February 2001.
The project was driven by the concept of creating a new club, completely controlled by the club members, themselves. Green.jpg (13832 bytes)
The founding members were concerned about the insecurity of tenure that characterised some of the local clubs. Management of the club is spread over many functional committees, thereby extending participation to a wide group of members. Clubhouse.jpg (16294 bytes)
In a region where grass greens are very popular, the decision was made to go for an artificial surface. The results, so far, are very promising, with a surface variation of only 4 mms. There are plans to build a second green, adjacent to the first, some time in the future. Terrace.jpg (18335 bytes)
Shortly after the opening of the club, the President of the Analucian Bowling Federation, Jaime Entrecanales, accompanied by his Lady Wife, Teresa, visited the club. The visitors were hosted by the President of the club, Mike Watts and his wife, Toni.

IndaloPres.jpg (22575 bytes)

The club has a well equipped bar for providing all day refreshments and dining is generally outdoors with the purpose built demountable canopies providing shade during the hotter days and catering provided by arrangement on request.

Visitors are always made to feel welcome and the locals enjoy the opportunity to play against visiting teams and socialise with them afterwards, however, they are always competitive and are justly proud of their record against touring teams, of all standards.

Indalo Bowls Club Spain

Fees in Euros

Club Fees are: 225€ together with 21€ Bond Money. 6 months membership also available.
Social Membership of 12€ available.


Indalo Bowls Club


Canada de la Piedra
Los Gallards, Nr. Mojacar
Andalucia Spain 04280  

Email: Indalo Bowls Club


Club Captain: 
Membership Secretary



+34 697 383 327

Don Kitchen 950 439 047
Toni Watts 950 468 165








Hotels in Mojacar

Hotel Indalo


Private Villa Rentals in Mojacar

Costa De Almeria

Villas Apartments 



Indalo Bowls Club




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